People in a working space

How Tech Companies Are Making Amazing Video Content

Yael Klass
By Yael Klass
March 7, 2018 · 31 min read

Ever wondered what the content leaders in high-tech are doing to make media magic? It’s likely no surprise by now to know that advertising with video has become the number one tool to grab engagement online. Between social media, lead generating ads, enticing emails and landing pages that keep visitors online longer, video provides a solution to the content deficit.

But don’t just take our word for it. We interviewed the masters of content marketing at global tech companies who are really making an impact with their marketing efforts.

Get a glimpse behind the curtain at how these masters are using videos to generate high performing content.


Tell us a little about your company…

HubSpot is a leading CRM, marketing, sales, and customer experience platform. Over 37,000 total customers in more than 90 countries use HubSpot’s award-winning software, services, and support to transform the way they attract, engage, and delight customers.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Multimedia content

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?


Where and how do you use videos?

We use video in almost all of our communication efforts — from case studies to live webinars to learning series to product updates. It’s a key way we attract people to our brand and how we educate and improve our relationships with our customers.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

Video is an extremely effective tool for both marketing and sales at HubSpot. It has been a key driver in growing our audience and engagement on Facebook and Instagram. Sales reps have tested out video by sending targeted prospecting and reconnect emails, leading to a 4X increase in opportunities. It’s also helped to improve the quality our blog content, giving reader’s another way to learn about a topic and improving time spent on page.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!


Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

A recent HubSpot Research report found that video is the No. 1 type of content people want to see from brands, in addition to the fact that when comparing types of content, it was listed as the most memorable — over text and images.

In 2018, video will continue to drive success on social media. In the recent announcement on algorithm changes at Facebook that will deprioritize brand posts, Mark Zuckerberg made it clear that videos that drive interactions should be a part of your content mix.

Video will also gain momentum as part of a sophisticated SEO strategy. Search engine results continue to diversify in format — with more images, featured snippet boxes, and videos being displayed — so it’s how you’ll stay competitive.

In addition, I think more and more sales teams will start to use video in their efforts. Video has historically been used as a TOFU tool to drive brand awareness, and it can be difficult to track its effectiveness. Now, it’s easy and quick to create and distribute personalized videos that create a real connection with a prospective buyer.



Tell us a little about your company…

Buffer is a simpler and easier way to schedule posts, track the performance of your content, and manage all your accounts in one place.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Video content because of how robust and creative it can be!

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?


Where and how do you use videos?

All across social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Instagram Stories) and also on our website.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

In 2017, we drove more than 2,000,000 video views on Facebook which led to more than 10,000 signups to Buffer from the platform. Video has been an incredible brand awareness tool for Buffer – allowing us to connect and reach a large audience across social media and our website in ways that text and images can’t.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

This video on how to create a GIF from scratch drove over 300,000 views across Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Plus, it was super fun to create!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

Video will be the #1 focus for marketers and brands in 2018. I see Facebook video becoming a key component of lots of businesses’ social media strategies as well as the dramatic rise of the use of Instagram Stories. Facebook and Instagram video will dominate the space in 2018!



Tell us a little about your company…

Promo is the #1 video creation solution for businesses and agencies. Our groundbreaking service gives users access to over 3.5 million premium video clips and hand-picked music complete with a lifetime license. With Promo, you can create professional videos in a matter of minutes to promote anything anywhere on the internet.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Well, certainly my favorite content to create is video. To dive a little deeper, I like to create content that has a creative edge or a twist on what a viewer would expect. That little element of surprise and playfulness adds a lot to our brand value and is an exciting brain exercise as well to keep our team on our toes. When it comes to platforms, I think the real-time trending content for social media and anything that includes gifs and/or emojis is a blast.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

Between social media, paid ads, emails and our blog we easily create 15 fresh videos each week.

Where and how do you use videos?

Videos are our DNA. Aside from within our product and on our own website and landing pages, we use video for all marketing efforts. Our videos are published across social media channels, all of our paid ad campaigns, within emails and inside our blog posts.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

We exclusively use our own product in order to grow our business. In just over a year we grew to $1.3 million MRR using video marketing.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

The video trend is booming and it certainly gives no signs of slowing down. In fact, 85% of businesses regard video as an important part of their marketing strategy. We foresee every business, big and small, needing to invest in video making solutions to stand-out online and show their personality as well as capture attention in an overpopulated landscape. With platforms such as Promo making democratizing the video creation process, we expect that images will become a marketing tool of the past and video will occupy the ad space fully.



Tell us a little about your company…

WordStream’s software and services help businesses maximize returns from their online advertising efforts. We streamline workflows, synthesize insights, and provide prescriptive recommendations designed to shield busy marketers and business owners from the complexities of AdWords, Facebook, and Bing, simplifying business growth and saving you money.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

As someone who bangs out written words on the daily, I’d have to say my favorite kind of content to create is, uh, blog posts.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

3-5 (but this is about to grow!)

Where and how do you use videos?

Until recently, we’ve typically used video to promote contests and to assuage concerns around the OAuth process. We’ve also used Promo videos as Facebook ads to drive engagement on subjects that are in vogue for a short period (major Google announcements, etc.); the quick turnaround tends to make them a no-brainer when it comes to inciting more social shares with little legwork. This year, though, we’re working on introducing a recurring video series to provide our wealth of site visitors and existing customers with a new medium through which to learn about PPC (believe it or not, AdWords, Facebook, and Bing can be hella confusing).

How have videos made an impact on your company?

Videos have given us a more dynamic avenue for content promotion, but it represents a relatively untapped medium for us (to date). Moving forward, we see video as a way to produce unique, digestible, actionable content that folks can use to learn more about both the WordStream brand and PPC.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

I think quality engagement will overtake virality as video’s ideal outcome. Facebook’s overhaul of the News Feed is the first step in dampening the impact of the 15 second “look at my shiny bauble, buy my shiny bauble” riff raff that runs rampant on social channels. Moving forward, brands that can provide tangible value through video will rule the roost.



Tell us a little about your company…

Outbrain is the world’s leading performance-driven discovery and native advertising platform. We help advertisers get discovered on leading publishers websites.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Video, of course.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?


Where and how do you use videos?

We use videos for click to play on our platform as well as for high engagement social content on both Linkedin and Facebook.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

It is clear to us when looking at all of our marketing efforts that videos are the best and most compelling way to tell a story!

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

TV-Style Programming on Social Media Platforms and Outbrain itself.



Tell us a little about your company…

Drip is the world’s first ECRM–an E-commerce CRM designed for building personal and profitable relationships with your customers at scale. We’re building cutting edge marketing tools and bringing them to the e-commerce world. We offer comprehensive tracking, hyper-segmentation, and robust email marketing automation, all designed for those who sell something online.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Engaging content. It sounds cliché, but—our favorite content is engaging. If it doesn’t engage our audience, it’s honestly not worth making in the first place. For us, that can be interactive online experiences, gifs, blog posts, and often videos.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

Lately, less than we’d like. We’ve rebuilt our video team, and at peak performance this quarter we’ll be putting out at least 2 – 4 videos every month.

Where and how do you use videos?

We use videos to complement our blog posts, in social media advertising, in our software app to help educate users, to announce new product features, on Instagram and Facebook, and on YouTube. We use video to engage our audience, educate them, and entertain them—hopefully, all three things at once, if we can.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

Video has been essential to us—from educational webinars to social media ads, to product demo videos, and more. Since our company began, we’ve uploaded over 1,000 videos that have netted over 1,000,000 plays. That kind of engagement, attention, and value added, is crucial to the growth and success of our company.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

In 2018 video will only grow more. The barriers to entry continue to drop, making video easier to create, host, and distribute for teams of all sizes. And as social media platforms and news sites continue to be less and less shy about their preference for video content, we’ll only see more video in all the places we interact with the internet. We’ll make more of video and ingest more video as both marketers and consumers than we ever have before, in 2018.



Tell us a little about your company…

Playbuzz is a leading, Disney-backed storytelling platform used by premium publishers and brands worldwide to author, distribute and monetize interactive stories that drive audience engagement.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Stories that are visual-first, interactive and data-driven.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

We consistently incorporate videos into our social media posts thanks to Playbuzz’s AI-powered video tool which enables the quick creation of visually-stunning video content – no video or editing experience necessary.

Where and how do you use videos?

In addition to utilizing our own video tool to increase engagement across our social channels, we promote our video tool to our publisher partners as a great way to elevate their articles. In fact, data taken from 8,000 interactive articles powered by Playbuzz spanning the last 6 months of 2017 – created by publishers like Sky News, HuffPost and more – shows that articles with video boast 7X higher session times than those without.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

Video is vital to great storytelling, which we know from working with premium publishers like BBC, MTV, Netflix and more. This is why we are constantly adding capabilities to Playbuzz’s video tool to ensure that content creators of all levels have the ability to craft great videos. That said, video should not be utilized as a text replacement, but as another tool in the toolbox which editorial teams rely on to tell their stories. Video, coupled with text and interactive storytelling elements – including polls, flip cards and ranked lists – will result in stories that drive the most audience engagement.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Last year we celebrated $35M more in funding, from all existing investors including Disney. Here’s a video showcasing our excitement:

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

2018 is the year publishers stop doing video for the sake of doing video. It’s time we understand the long-term impact of publishers aimlessly placing irrelevant video into content and instead rely on solutions that enable us to monetize relevant editorial via video, while still upholding a positive UX.

Let’s stop pivoting to video, and instead pivot to those expected to view them: readers.



Tell us a little about your company… is a team management tool designed to help you work better together. The platform is used by teams of all sizes to manage every detail of their work, from high-level roadmap planning to the specifics of day-to-day tasks, while building a culture of transparency.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

It’s hard to choose just one! At, we love taking all different kinds of content and assembling them into a coordinated campaign– blog posts, news articles, social posts, and of course videos, all work really well in conjunction.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

As many as we can!

Where and how do you use videos?

We use videos anywhere and everywhere. From showcasing how our users work with to sharing our most important brand messages, to how-tos and tutorial movies, video is an essential part of how we communicate. It’s our way to express our brand in a unique voice and a visually engaging way.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

Videos have made a tremendous impact on our company. We rely on them as an essential part of our content creation strategy. They say a picture’s worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a million! We’ve seen a tremendous impact from using videos to communicate with our current users as well as attracting new ones.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

It’s a tie! This is for sure our video of the year:

But this one is brand new and a new direction we’re really excited about:

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

Video is an essential part of our 2018 plan. We’re bolstering our in-house video team and they already have so many new incredible and creative ideas! They are working on refining our YouTube channel right now and keep adding awesome content to it. Check it out!



Tell us a little about your company…

Lemonade is a licensed insurance carrier, offering homeowners and renters insurance powered by tech and based on behavioral econ. By replacing brokers and bureaucracy with bots and machine learning, Lemonade promises zero paperwork and instant everything. And as a Certified B-Corp, where underwriting profits go to nonprofits, Lemonade is remaking insurance as a social good, rather than a necessary evil.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Video 🙂 More specifically, we like creating content featuring our Chief Behavioral Officer, Prof. Dan Ariely. There’s something magical that happens with the dissonance created when Prof. Ariely, an academic and world-acclaimed behavioral economist, gives science-backed answers to everyday life questions such as how to divide expenses between roommates, maintain a happy household, or improve our productivity at work. It’s unexpected; but also practical. Moreover, it’s a story, one we believe gives great value to our community.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

We create at least a few each month.

Where and how do you use videos?

We use videos all the time, from stuff like our Life Hacks ft. Dan Ariely to shorts on how to use new features inside of the Lemonade App. You’ll see our videos just about everywhere – from articles to landing pages on our website and of course on our social media channels. We also find that video is especially valuable as it’s relevant for all types of content. Taking Life Hacks as an example, you’ll see these videos crop up in places such as in-depth behavioral economic pieces on our blog such as The Science Behind Why It’s So Hard To Save. and also broken down into shorts on our Instagram.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!



Tell us a little about your company…

WalkMe is the pioneer of the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP), a B2B SaaS product that uses on-screen guidance to simplify any digital experience.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Definitely video, interactive or multimedia content pieces. I love making content that will grab viewers attention in new and interesting ways.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

We aim for two original videos plus re-posts of other videos we love.

Where and how do you use videos?

Our videos are mostly used for social media marketing, but in some cases we also create a complementary blog post to maximize the impact of each piece.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

We have seen a huge boost in engagement, especially when we feature our employees.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

We see video becoming a much bigger part of our B2B marketing strategy. This year we plan to make video a much bigger emphasis, from the light and shareable category to live information sessions to thought leadership.



Tell us a little about your company…

Yotpo is the leading customer content marketing platform for commerce brands. With Yotpo, businesses can collect every type of user-generated content and use it to build a stronger brand and better customer experience.

Yotpo’s integrated solution lets brands collect, curate, manage and respond to user-generated content from a single platform. Through a combination of technology, integrations, and partnerships, Yotpo makes it easy to effectively leverage customer content throughout the buyer journey to increase trust, social proof, and sales.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Is it a cop-out to say everything? I guess in a nutshell, good content based on a solid, thought-out story is my favorite to create. It’s important every piece of content — whether a blog post, a webinar, an email course, or an ebook — has a strong story and message.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

Varies, but a lot.

Where and how do you use videos?

We use videos for everything! From branding and showcasing company culture to helping customers better visualize our product with support tutorials.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

With videos, it’s really about finding the right story and messaging for the purpose you’re trying to achieve. A video for HR about a recent event is great for recruiting and branding your company’s culture, while a product video is likely best for acquisition ads for down-the-funnel prospects.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

It’s a tough tie 🙂

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

We’re going to be investing a lot more in case study videos to showcase our clients’ success and stories.



Tell us a little about your company…

Needls is an automated social media advertising platform. We use AI to create, target, test and optimize digital ads 24/7 on Facebook and Instagram.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Hands down: video. I’m a writer by trade, so it’s a little odd to say, but videos are just so engaging and get such a great response – especially when they’re full of creativity and personality.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

It depends, but we aim for once a week at least.

Where and how do you use videos?

Everywhere! We do Facebook live sessions, video webinars, Instagram stories, video ads, and everything else there is to use one.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

Definitely. Our video content gets a higher organic reach, and our video ads have such a phenomenal conversion rate.  

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

Video is going to make even more of an impact in the coming year because affordable and high-quality video creation is accessible to more and more people. That means one thing: be more creative and push boundaries. In knowing that 90% of the Facebook audience uses the platform via mobile, that not only tells us that we need to focus on mobile dimensions for videos, but also that videos need to be used in more creative ways.

Last year, our CEO started thinking about different ways we can integrate video to increase sales, and that resulted in us creating a video chatbot (amazing, right?). Simply put, this year we’re going to see video used in some pretty astounding and out-of-the-box ways.



Tell us a little about your company…

FunnelDash creates growth tools and analytics dashboards for digital marketing agencies that offer Facebook ad campaign services.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

We publish 2 blog posts a week, plus Facebook lives and other social content.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?


Where and how do you use videos?

We use video all over. We do a weekly Facebook live in our User Community. We use video in several of our Facebook ads. Even some of our blog post thumbnails are videos as well.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

We use a lot of video in our webinar reminder and follow-up sequences. We find they engage people more and get them excited about attending our webinars and help with conversion to purchase.

We also use a lot of videos in our Facebook ads and in our Knowledge Base/Help section on our website. We also add video to our blog posts when we’re demonstrating our software.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

Video is the future of social media. You see more and more of it in your feed, as well as in ads and entertainment pieces. Now that everyone has a video camera in their pocket (on their phones) it’s just as easy to take a video instead of a picture.

Businesses are finally catching up and engaging with their customers more through video, since what attracts attention.



Tell us a little about your company…

Zest is a scalable content distillation platform. We convert information overload into individualized professional knowledge using human-based computation and machine learning to separate and spread high-quality content.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Personal, transparent and authentic blog posts. We also LOVE and are slightly addicted to creating unique GIFs.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

Currently about 1.

Where and how do you use videos?

If we use video, we create videos that show our Zesty life on Social Media. We also produce Product related videos when there is a new feature.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

The type of video content that will see the highest usage increase will be real, documentary-style.

This type of video content for brands is THE most authentic and engaging type of content they can produce.

Another type of content that will be more widely spread is User Generated Branded Content (UGBC). As mobile is in the hands of everyone and the usage communication apps and social apps are only increasing, brands will strive to incentivize their users to create more UGBD.



Tell us a little about your company…

Mobfox is a world-leading, data-driven mobile SSP and exchange, providing publishers with all the tools they need to manage their ad serving, data layers, and monetization stack efficiently, transparently, and automatically. The company is connected to over 200 diversified and global demand sources and offers comprehensive support for all major ad formats including video, native, rich media, and display.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

I love creating and sharing any type of content that gives our audience a behind-the-scenes look at our awesome team, services, and technology. We have an incredibly smart and talented team, and anything that allows us to show the people behind programmatic, and connect on a more human level with our followers is exactly the type of content I want to get out there.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

We publish at least two to three new videos each month on social media, and we’re looking to focus much more on video this year.

Where and how do you use videos?

We post videos on Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. We use video for a variety of reasons: to share insights, presentations, talks, interviews, panels, tutorials, and also to share slideshows in a more engaging way.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

Videos have enabled us to better connect both personally and professionally with our clients and community on social media. Through video, we can share our services, explain new products, offer tutorials, and give a behind-the-scenes look at our cool tech and awesome team.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

This is a video we created to show what it’s like to work at our company. It’s a collection of images and short clips that our designer put together quickly last year. What I love about it is that it was super simple to create, fun, and casual.

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

Video is becoming more and more accessible to the public. And the technology behind video is constantly evolving. In 2018, the possibilities are endless. We’ll probably see more social channels trying to compete with YouTube, a rise in video advertising, and an introduction of more formats. We should expect to see an increase in 360 videos, VR, AR, shoppable videos, and live video.



Tell us a little about your company…

Since 2005, Payoneer’s cross-border payments platform has empowered millions of entrepreneurs and businesses anywhere in the world – from Cairo to California, Buenos Aires to Bangalore and Tel Aviv to Tokyo – to expand beyond their borders and grow successful, sustainable businesses. Thousands of leading companies and marketplaces including Airbnb, Amazon, Google, and Upwork rely on Payoneer’s services to send funds to their merchants worldwide.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Content that showcases our customer’s business story, their challenges, and most importantly, how Payoneer’s able to help them achieve growth and success.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?


Where and how do you use videos?

We use video to communicate our value to both our existing users and in our nurturing and onboarding flows. Channels include email, social media, web and for the promotion of live events.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

Today, we use video as both a marketing and a communication tool. As a marketing tool, video serves as a great way to showcase our customer stories – putting their faces at the front and center. As a communication tool, our use of live video helps to shrink the geographical divide and directly connect our employees with our users – strengthening our brand equity and our relationships with customers.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

We definitely see a trend towards more live video content that’s more authentic, less polished/produced and more personal. Live feeds allow for a greater focus on real-time interaction between companies and their users. By allowing the customer to steer the topic of conversation (through live comments and follow-up discussion), live video enables brands to achieve a greater, much more relevant level of engagement with their users. This type of two-way communication also helps us to continually fine-tune our content strategy.   



Tell us a little about your company…

We make free-to-play and free-to-use possible for over 1.2B people around the world. We build technologies that help app developers take their apps to the next level, including the industry’s largest in-app video network. Since only 2% of users pay to play, we provide tools to engage the other 98%. That’s why over 80K apps use our technologies to grow their app businesses, and why we’re working with leading companies like Big Fish Games, Zynga and Playrix. We care about good creative and making ads as enjoyable as your games, and our designers sit next to our performance team, making sure data informs every creative decision.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

I’m a reader by nature, so I would normally tend towards classic text content. But since we started investing in creating videos, we’ve found that videos allow for a much more fun and impactful approach to communicating content – whatever the topic might be.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?


Where and how do you use videos?

For everything from employer branding and employee engagement, to product, lead generation and brand awareness.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

Because videos are so eminently shareable and so easily consumed, we’ve found that for employees, our video content (both company and product focused) has been much more memorable than the content we’re creating in other formats.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

I think we’re going to see videos get progressively shorter, and with that, the pressure to create really impactful, immediately engaging content will increase. In our overcrowded, oversaturated lives it’s always been critical to catch someone’s attention immediately, but the first few seconds of engagement have never been more important. The best example of this I’ve seen recently is this video by Toyota, which not only manages to serve as a great ad but manages to make fun of the 6-second video ad trend at the same time.



Tell us a little about your company…

Wistia provides creation, hosting, and analytics tools to help businesses communicate, connect, and convert in a more human way. With Wistia, businesses can improve their video performance and grow their audience.

What is your favorite kind of content to create?

Call me old-fashioned, but I love a good long-form blog post! Writing something that’s super helpful and informative that will ultimately provide a ton of value to the reader is my absolute favorite.

How many videos do you publish on social media each month?

We share quite a bit of video on social media! Usually, they are either related to a piece of content, or they are specific awareness videos. On average, I would say probably around 10 videos a month.

Where and how do you use videos?

We use video across the business here at Wistia, but as the Content Marketing Manager, I primarily use videos throughout our content and on social media channels. I’ve been playing around with video on Facebook and Instagram lately, and have seen some success with that. As far as content goes, we really look at each piece and then decide if there’s a way to make it more helpful and informative with a video, then we’ll create one. We also make videos if there are opportunities to add a more surprising, delightful element to the page.

How have videos made an impact on your company?

As a video hosting and creation platform, we obviously care a lot about video, and also use it across the business. Our sales team has seen a ton of success with using video in their outreach efforts, and even our support team uses video to give more detailed super-human responses. We use video on the marketing in all sorts of ways, from ads, to social media, email to even internal communications! We’ve really embedded video (no pun intended) into our everyday lives here at Wistia—it’s made a huge impact on our company, culture, and the way we work.

Show us your favorite video creation from 2017!

Where do you see the video trends going in 2018?

I think we’ll see a ton more video being made and used across the web. Businesses know they need to invest more in video to stay relevant, and there are now a bunch of awesome tools that can help you make video easily on a small budget. I think content marketers, in particular, will really start using video to promote the content they create and to make their content stand out from the rest.


After seeing such successful companies share insights on creating compelling content and using video more and more, we can easily see that video marketing is not a trend. It is here to stay and will continue to grow in the years to come. Stay up to date on the latest video creation tools like – learn how to crop a video, how to add music to video, and so much more via our blog!

Ready to create your own videos? Try Promo Today!

About the author

Yael Klass

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