How does Promo.com for Shopify work?
Promo.com for Shopify is an online video maker for your Shopify store. It has everything you need to start boosting your store with exceptional product videos. It includes an easy-to-use video editor, customizable templates, royalty-free music, and more.
Is it really free?
Absolutely! Future additions may require a subscription but we will keep a free version just in case it’s enough for you.
Where can I share the videos I create?
You can embed the video in your Shopify product pages or share it directly to your social channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube). You can also use the embed code to post it on any webpage you want.
Do you host the videos or can I download the file?
We will host the video and you can share/embed the public link once it’s published.
What languages does Promo.com support?
While some fonts have limited support for special characters, all languages are supported.
Do you provide creative assets I can use?
Yes. Our free stock library is available to you, with over 140K video clips and 1.4M photos. To access them, simply hover over an image in your media section, select ‘replace’, and then ‘stock library’. Also, we connect you to all of your store’s media so you can use your own unique content and create personalized videos.
What kind of videos can I create with Promo.com?
There’s no limit to the type of videos you can create with Promo.com. Our users have used our service to create:
  • Marketing videos
  • Promo videos
  • Video ads
  • Social media videos
  • Facebook & Instagram Stories
  • YouTube ads
  • Product videos
  • Explainer videos
  • Event advertisements
  • Intro videos
  • And more!
How can I reach your customer support?
  • If you’re looking for more information on video marketing for small businesses, we recommend you visit the Promo Blog.
  • For technical issues, please reach out to our customer support team via email at support@promo.com or use a support ticket by clicking ‘your account > Get support’ so we can help you ASAP.