AI for Real estate agents

Boosting Realtor Efficiency: The Impact of AI in Real Estate

Daisy Rogozinsky
By Daisy Rogozinsky
July 30, 2024 · 11 min read
  • Blog
  • AI
  • Boosting Realtor Efficiency: The Impact of AI in Real Estate

In an era where technology is reshaping industries at an unprecedented pace, real estate stands to gain significantly from the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). In fact, it’s safe to say that the integration of AI in real estate practices is not just a trend but a significant shift that promises to redefine how realtors operate. 

The data proves it. According to JLL’s 2023 Global Real Estate Technology Survey, AI and generative AI are ranked among the top three technologies expected to have the greatest impact on real estate over the next three years. Furthermore, a McKinsey report estimates that generative AI could generate a soaring $110 billion to $180 billion or more in value for the real estate industry. With this cold, hard proof of the potential of AI to revolutionize the real estate sector, it’s imperative for realtors to understand and leverage this technology to stay competitive. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of AI for realtors, including enhancing efficiency, improving customer experience, and maximizing marketing efforts. We’ll also provide tips on getting started with AI in your real estate business, so you can directly benefit from this revolutionary technology.

What’s New in the World of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has seen tremendous growth and evolution in 2023 and 2024, continuing to transform various sectors, including real estate. The advancements in AI technology have brought about significant changes that have impacted the way realtors operate and interact with their clients.

One of the most notable developments in AI is the rise of text-based chatbots like ChatGPT, Jasper, and Google’s Bard. These chatbots have become more sophisticated and capable of understanding and generating human-like text, which helps realtors provide instant, accurate responses to client inquiries. This not only enhances customer service but also allows realtors to manage multiple client interactions simultaneously, improving overall efficiency.

AI’s creative capabilities have also expanded remarkably. Tools that enable photo expansion, video creation, and voice replication are now readily available, allowing realtors to create high-quality, engaging marketing materials quickly and cost-effectively. For instance, AI can automatically generate virtual property tours, expand images to showcase different angles of a property, and even replicate voiceovers for property descriptions, creating a more immersive and personalized experience for potential buyers.

The transformation of AI from an Internet novelty to an impactful business tool is evident. What once seemed like futuristic technology is now integral to daily business operations. Realtors can leverage AI to analyze market trends, optimize pricing strategies, and predict property values with greater accuracy. AI-driven insights enable realtors to make informed decisions, providing a competitive edge in the fast-paced real estate market.

As AI continues to evolve, its integration into the real estate industry promises to bring even more innovative solutions, enhancing the capabilities of realtors and improving the overall buying and selling experience for clients.

Benefits of AI for Realtors

We’ve seen that leveraging AI has become essential for realtors seeking to enhance their efficiency, improve customer experiences, and stay competitive. Let’s explore the range of tools and capabilities that AI provides to streamline operations, offer valuable market insights, and boost marketing efforts, enabling realtors to excel in a fast-paced market.

Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity

To stay competitive in a rapidly changing market, realtors must maximize their efficiency and productivity. AI helps by automating routine tasks, streamlining property management, and optimizing workflows, allowing realtors to focus on high-value activities.

  • Automation of Routine Tasks: AI can handle repetitive (boring) tasks such as scheduling, client follow-ups, and document management. By automating these routine activities, realtors save time and can dedicate more attention to client interactions and business development.
  • Streamlining Property Management: AI-powered tools simplify the management of property listings, tenant communications, and maintenance requests. These tools ensure that all aspects of property management are handled efficiently, reducing the burden on realtors and enhancing service quality.
  • Optimizing Workflows: Integrating AI into daily operations helps create more efficient workflows. AI systems can analyze existing processes, identify bottlenecks, and recommend improvements, allowing realtors to streamline their work and focus more on client-facing activities.

Improving Customer Experience

In a word-of-mouth industry where client satisfaction is paramount, AI enables realtors to wow their customers by providing personalized services, offering round-the-clock support, and creating immersive property viewing experiences.

  • Personalized Property Recommendations: AI can analyze client preferences to provide personalized property recommendations. This tailored approach enhances client satisfaction by presenting options that closely match their needs and desires.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: AI chatbots and virtual assistants offer round-the-clock customer support, handling inquiries ranging from property details to booking viewings. This ensures clients receive timely assistance, even outside of regular business hours.
  • Virtual Tours and Augmented Reality: AI tools enable virtual tours and augmented reality experiences, allowing clients to explore properties remotely. These technologies provide a comprehensive viewing experience, helping clients make informed decisions without needing to visit properties in person.

Advanced Market Analysis

For realtors who want to make smart, data-driven decisions, understanding market trends and property values is crucial. AI provides powerful tools for data-based insights, predictive analytics, and competitive analysis, enabling realtors to make better decisions.

  • Data-Driven Insights: AI can analyze large datasets to reveal market trends, property values, and neighborhood characteristics. These insights help realtors advise clients accurately and make strategic decisions.
  • Predictive Analytics for Market Trends: AI-driven predictive analytics forecast market trends and property price fluctuations. Realtors can use these forecasts to stay ahead of market changes and advise clients on the best times to buy or sell properties.
  • Competitive Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze competitors and market conditions, offering valuable intelligence for strategic planning. By understanding the competitive landscape, realtors can differentiate their services and attract more clients.

Maximizing Marketing Efforts

Any realtor can put out an ad on a bus stop bench, but standing out is hard in a saturated market. Effective marketing is key to being chosen over competing realtors. AI enhances marketing efforts by generating engaging content, analyzing social media performance, and optimizing SEO strategies.

  • AI-Generated Content: Tools like PromoAI create professional video and social content quickly and efficiently. Realtors can generate engaging content for property listings, blogs, newsletters, and social media posts, maintaining a consistent and professional online presence.
  • Social Media Analytics: AI tools track and analyze social media performance, providing insights into audience engagement. Realtors can use these insights to refine their marketing strategies and improve their social media presence.
  • Targeted Marketing Campaigns: AI-driven insights help develop targeted marketing campaigns by analyzing customer data and behavior. This allows realtors to tailor their campaigns to the right audience, increasing effectiveness and maximizing return on investment.
  • Creating Custom Images: AI tools like Lexica can generate images for marketing materials, enhancing the visual appeal of property listings and promotional content.
  • SEO Optimization: AI tools like Scalenut,, and Surfer improve search engine rankings by optimizing content based on top search terms and algorithms, increasing online visibility.
  • Tightening Up Writing: Tools like Grammarly and Hemingway enhance written communication by checking grammar, clarity, and syntax, ensuring all marketing materials are polished and professional.

Data Management and Security

Realtors deal with some very sensitive client data, making managing and securing data crucial in the real estate industry. AI helps realtors handle client data efficiently, enhance data security, and provide real-time analysis for better decision-making.

  • Efficient Data Handling: AI systems organize and manage client and property data securely, reducing the risk of human error and streamlining administrative processes.
  • Enhanced Data Security: AI solutions detect and respond to potential threats in real-time, ensuring sensitive information remains confidential and secure.
  • Real-Time Data Analysis: AI tools provide real-time monitoring and analysis of data, supporting timely and informed decision-making, which enhances the ability to serve clients effectively.

Enhancing Property Sales and Rentals

AI technologies play a crucial role in optimizing property sales and rentals by providing smart pricing tools, efficient lead generation, and effective customer relationship management.

  • Smart Pricing Tools: AI tools determine optimal pricing strategies based on market data and trends, helping realtors price properties competitively and attract buyers.
  • Lead Generation and Qualification: AI solutions identify and qualify potential leads more efficiently, ensuring that realtors focus on high-quality prospects.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): AI-powered CRM systems manage client relationships and follow-ups effectively, enhancing client satisfaction and loyalty.

Bringing Back-Office into the Future

AI tools can modernize back-office tasks, making them more efficient and less time-consuming. From managing schedules to handling finances, AI can streamline essential administrative functions.

  • Controlling Calendar Chaos: AI tools like Kronologic and Reclaim streamline meeting scheduling and carve out dedicated time for crucial tasks, ensuring better time management.
  • Managing Finances: AI-powered features in QuickBooks, such as Intuit Assist, provide insights into business performance, automate bookkeeping processes, and assist with financial management.
  • Centralizing Tasks: AI tools like Ayanza and SaneBox centralize daily tasks and team needs, ensuring all activities are well-organized and communication is streamlined.

Optimizing Follow-Up Approach

Intro calls are great, but following up with clients is critical in real estate to actually close deals. AI enhances this process by integrating tech stacks and managing outreach emails, ensuring that realtors maintain effective communication with prospects and clients.

  • Integrating Tech Stack: Using Zapier to automate workflows and integrate software tools ensures that all aspects of client management are seamlessly connected.
  • Managing Outreach Emails: AI-powered tools like and Mailbutler enhance email communication by crafting personalized responses, scheduling follow-ups, and summarizing emails.

Staying Competitive in the Market

With approximately 3 million active real estate licensees in the U.S. alone, staying competitive is essential. AI helps realtors stay updated with industry trends, understand competitor strategies, and adapt to changing consumer behaviors.

  • Keeping Up with Industry Trends: AI keeps realtors updated with the latest market trends and regulatory changes, providing the insights needed to adapt and thrive.
  • Adapting to Changing Consumer Behavior: AI insights help realtors adapt their strategies according to evolving consumer behaviors and preferences, ensuring they meet client needs effectively.
  • Innovative Sales Strategies: AI-driven strategies enhance property marketing and sales tactics, allowing realtors to stay ahead of the competition and attract more clients.

Tips for Getting Started with AI

Integrating AI into your real estate business can seem daunting, especially for the tech-phobic among us, but starting with a few strategic steps can make the transition smooth and beneficial. Here are some tips to help you get started with AI:

  • Identify Key Areas for AI Integration: Begin by pinpointing the areas of your business that could benefit most from AI. Common applications include automating client follow-ups, creating marketing content, managing property listings, and analyzing market trends. Focusing on these areas can yield the most immediate and noticeable benefits.
  • Choose the Right AI Tools: Consider selecting AI tools that are specifically designed for real estate. Tools like HouseCanary for property valuation, REX for marketing automation, and Zillow’s AI for market insights can provide tailored solutions to meet your needs.
  • Train Your Team: If you’re not working alone, it’s important to ensure that your team understands how to use AI tools effectively. Conduct training sessions to familiarize them with new technologies and demonstrate how AI can enhance their daily tasks.
  • Start Small and Scale: Implement AI in phases. Start with a single tool or application, evaluate its impact, and gradually integrate more AI solutions. This approach allows you to manage the transition and make adjustments as needed.
  • Maintain Human Touch: While AI can handle many tasks, maintaining personal interactions with clients is absolutely crucial. Use AI to augment your services, not replace the personal touch that builds client trust and loyalty.

The Future of Real Estate is AI-Powered

Getting your footing in the real estate industry as a rookie realtor is hard. But keeping up with a constantly evolving industry can be just as challenging, even for veteran realtors. Thankfully, the integration of AI into the real estate industry offers all realtors a powerful toolset to enhance efficiency, improve customer experiences, and stay competitive in a fast-paced market. By automating routine tasks, providing personalized client interactions, and delivering data-driven insights, AI empowers realtors to focus on what they do best: building relationships and closing deals. The transformative impact of AI is clear, and its continued evolution promises even more innovative solutions to help realtors succeed.

If you’re ready to leverage the power of AI to boost your real estate business, consider using PromoAI. PromoAI’s advanced tools for generating professional video and social content quickly and efficiently can help you maintain a strong online presence and engage potential clients. Explore PromoAI today to start creating impactful marketing materials.


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About the author

Daisy Rogozinsky

Daisy Rogozinsky loves to use the written word to educate, entertain, and tell stories. If she's not writing content, she's writing poetry, music, and screenplays.

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