7 Types of Videos Every Travel Agency Should Be Using

Promo Team
By Promo Team
April 4, 2022 · 10 min read

In 2021, the number of people engaging with travel influencer content on Pinterest, Instagram, and TikTok increased by 63%. And that number is only expected to grow. As videos continue to make up a significant part of travel marketing and viral online content, travel brands that want to stand out and succeed should use them regularly.

So, if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to incorporate video into your travel agency’s social media strategy.

If you are just getting started, here are some great video concepts to help get you get the ball rolling.

The Best Types of Videos For Travel Agency Marketing

1. Destination and Travel Guide Videos

As a travel service, you are expected to be a trusted source regarding the destinations you are offering. The best way to flaunt your knowledge is by sharing unique information about the locations your agency is servicing. Travel guide videos attempt to answer questions people are asking about a particular place. For example, what are the various sites of interest? Where are the best hotels? Where are the finest restaurants?

Travel guides can also include information about a country’s culture, currency, and language. In some cases, travel guides could be specific – for example, it could be for LGBTQ+ tourists or for student travelers.

This type of video usually is labeled as awareness content because it helps draw in people interested in traveling to a specific place.

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Keep these tips in mind when creating travel guide videos.

  1. Think of your ideal viewer. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal audience. If your typical client wants a weekend getaway, capture everything someone who wants a weekend getaway might like – for example, surf spots, hiking trails, etc. If you aim for a younger crowd, highlight the nightlife, cultural points of interest, and hip neighborhoods. 
  2. Keep it short and interesting. When creating guides for social media, you mainly want to hook users in. Make your guides 30-60 seconds max for any social media platform other than YouTube, and make sure to highlight only the most interesting and lesser-known details about the destination. If you feel like you have more to share, create a longer YouTube video and use the short version as a teaser. 
  3. Destination videos require a lot of attention to detail. You can start small by dividing your videos into bits. For example, your first video could be about the location, another video could talk about taking the trip, and you talk about cost in another video. With video creation tools like Promo, you can easily create and edit multiple videos, highlighting a specific angle.
  4. Optimize your destination videos for search engines to accumulate more views over time and drive traffic to your business. Learn the ins and outs of YouTube SEO

2. “About Me” Videos

More and more consumers are looking not only for good service, but also for a more personal experience. You might already have people visiting your “About” page on your travel site, so why not also include an “About Me” video? An “about” video is a more entertaining and fun way to tell your personal or business story and form a better bond with your potential clients.  

Here are a few tips on creating videos for your About Me page.

  1. Put a face to the brand. This is not the time for whiteboard videos or animation videos. Since “about” videos help build brand credibility and trust, you want to show your own face, voice, and personality. You can easily do that by uploading your own footage to Promo’s editor and mixing it with our stock footage options. 
  2. Make it short. ״About Me״ videos should be under two minutes. 
  3. In a few words, describe what makes you and your brand special. Your unique value proposition sets you apart from your competition and makes you worth paying attention to.
  4. Add fun elements by including three fun facts about yourself or your business. You could talk about previous client experiences, your interests, pets, etc. This is where you build the picture of a real person that your audience can connect with.
  5. Be clear about what you want viewers to do next with a powerful call to action.

Note that your “About Me” video can be used anywhere: on your website, landing page, emails, social media, etc. 

3. Share Travel Tips

Do you have tips and recommendations for travelers? Do you have tips for a specific kind of traveler? For example, as a travel agency, you could create a video that helps people find AirBnB deals or create a weekly video series highlighting your favorite travel tips.

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Promo Tip: Add music to your travel tips video to create the right feel. But make sure the music you include matches the tone and pace of your video. With Promo, adding music to your travel videos is easy, just search and listen to our royalty-free tracks until you find the one that works best with your footage and message.

6. Deals and Promotion Videos

Whether you’re targeting new clients or offering existing ones new deals, promotional videos help you convert leads using fear of missing out. They’re ideal for introducing new time-sensitive offers or deals. 

Keep these tips in mind when making your promotional videos.

  1. Use catchy sound bites and titles to grab people’s attention.
  2. Keep your video focused on the goal. Are you introducing a new deal? Talk about what’s in it for your customers. And mention the deadline for your promotion. Deals videos should be 60 to 90 seconds long.
  3. Create more than one version of your promo videos. Posting the same video on your Facebook page every day looks spammy. This is where you need a tool like Promo that lets you create and edit videos in a snap.   
  4. Create powerful calls to action. 

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Promo tip: Using Promo, you can easily find the footage you need for your sales videos. Whether you’re looking for exotic beaches or footage of a couple walking around a romantic city, just type in your desired location, and get creating! With our Getty Images stock library, you can search for footage of dream locations without being there to capture it yourself.

7. Testimonial Videos

Clients who have raving reviews are happy to share their experiences. 

When it comes to the travel industry, reviews carry a lot of weight. According to Tripadvisor, eight out of ten travelers find travel reviews influential, and 49% of travelers won’t book a hotel or Airbnb without reading the reviews first.

Customer testimonials allow you to leverage word of mouth from your happiest customers. This helps prospects connect with your brand. Note that customer testimonial videos should be 1-2 minutes long.

Keep these in mind when you want to use testimonials from customers for your travel agency.

  1. Ask customers why they chose you or why they were happy with your services. When customers vocalize why they hired you and how you delivered on your promise, it makes your video more valuable.
  2. Film testimonial videos on a smartphone, tablet, or iPad so customers can feel more comfortable. You can also capture lifestyle shots and clips this way. Easily upload your footage to Promo, where it will be ready for you to use at any time. 

6. Trivia Videos

You can engage your audience with a vox-pop where you share information about locations and monuments worldwide. Trivia videos are a great way to engage and educate viewers while getting them excited for their next trip!

Ensure to make the video as fun as possible. Trivia aims to entertain as well as educate viewers. You can even decide to create a trivia video asking clients questions about a certain city or country, prompting them to answer in the comments.

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7. Question & Answer Videos

Your potential clients are asking questions about particular destinations. Q&A videos help you address these questions. You can share these directly on social media, add the video to your FAQ page, or use them in a Facebook ads campaign.

Here are some tips for creating Q&A videos for your travel agency

  1. Gather questions. From your interactions with clients, you probably have some questions more frequently than others. You should take note of these questions. You can also host AMA (ask my anything) threads to compile people’s questions about traveling to a particular destination. 
  2. Create your script once you have compiled the questions that people want answers to. A script helps you gather your thoughts and keeps your answers concise. 
  3. Add captions to your video to keep viewers engaged. If you’re answering multiple questions, include text that shows viewers the specific question you’re answering. This helps them keep pace with the video. Don’t forget to add subtitles to video to ensure people watching on mute engage with your video.

Promote Your Travel Agency Business on Social Media

Show Your Expertise

As a travel agent, your job isn’t just to book tickets and make hotel arrangements. You should know the most exciting and adventurous places in a particular destination. Since travelers using travel agents seek expertise, you want to be a valuable source of accurate information. 

Offer information about refreshing destinations that potential clients can visit during the holidays. Then present everything to know about the best airlines, best restaurants, transport, hotels in that area. Tell them what makes these places special. 

Offer Great Deals

Customers want great deals. In fact, 92% of customers always look for deals when shopping. One of the main attractions of hiring a travel agency is that they can provide car rental bargains, special room rates, and last-minute deals. You should consistently advertise these deals on social media to improve brand awareness and customer loyalty. 

Use Retargeted Ads on Facebook

Travelers might not be looking to travel right away. But they may be researching travel destinations a couple months before they decide to take the plunge. Retargeted ads allow you to create top-of-mind awareness by serving ads to people who have previously visited your website. 46% of search engine marketing professionals say retargeting is the most undervalued strategy. You can use it on Facebook or Google to keep your brand top of mind with prospects.

Ready to Scale Your Travel Agency Marketing?

Now you’ve seen the types of videos you need to be using for travel agency marketing. We’ve also shown you some ideas to market your agency, promotions, and deals on social media. 

The problem is that creating videos takes a lot of work, from planning and scriptwriting to production and editing. If you would like to create travel agency videos and video marketing campaigns at scale, you’ll want to use Promo. We give you the tools you need to create and edit professional travel, AirBnB, and marketing videos within minutes. You can find inspiration and start by choosing one of our ready-made travel video templates. All you need to do is select, customize, add your brand, and share your video with your customers!

Ready to create travel videos that sell?

Create travel videos for any destination in the world with 110M+ premium footage options, custom text styles, and one-click branding

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About the author

Promo Team

We believe that words shape thoughts and inspire action. Promo's content team is fueled by the motivation to help you to transform your words and ideas into powerful videos that help you communicate better with your audience and grow your reach.

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