Videos are one of the most effective ways to reach your consumers. A staggering 44% of people watch five or more videos online every single day. It is no surprise, that getting your video to stand out in the sea of competitors is harder than ever. But that doesn’t mean a small business can’t be a big fish in the social media marketing world. Through creative content and live video, small businesses can achieve viral success.
But, is choosing the best visuals, witty captions and great music track enough to shine on Facebook? Consider creating something even more powerful than video alone – an interactive experience. You can now add a poll to a Facebook video which lets your audience know how much you value their opinion and authentically grow your social presence.
A Facebook poll with video allows your brand to ask those burning questions that could improve your offerings. Do you know what new ice cream flavor your consumers would like to try? Would they prefer late night or early morning shopping hours? The sky is truly the limit!
Additionally, Facebook video poll ads are more effective and generate increased engagement. According to Forbes interactive content is 81% more likely to grab consumers attention than static content.
Intrigued? We were too. So, here is everything that you need to know to become an expert user of Facebook Video Polls.
First things first, let us take a step back and explain how a Facebook poll works. A poll on Facebook allows brands (or even individual users) to ask questions with a predefined set of answers. Results are instantly generated and this can provide you with a general sense of what your followers or friends prefer.
You can boost a Facebook Poll in the same way you would boost a post. All you have to do is create and post your poll, click on your poll’s settings, and find the option to boost it.
After a poll ends, anyone who clicks on the poll itself will see the results (and will no longer be able to vote.) As the page admin, you are able to view who voted for each option by clicking on the numbers of votes. You also have the option of setting your poll results to be published after voting ends, or schedule results to be published at a time of your choosing. This way, participants and nonparticipants alike will be able to see how the voting has turned out.
Now that we have a better understanding of polls on Facebook, let’s dive into a Facebook poll with video. This feature allows you to ask a polling question at any point during your video. Simply decide on the question, the answers you will offer and when you would like it to appear. The polling link appears at the top right-hand corner of the video, prompting viewers to answer; generating instant feedback for your business.
Imagine, scrolling through your Facebook feed, watching an eye-catching video, and then within the video itself, having the opportunity to give your feedback. Suddenly, your role has shifted from a viewer to an important decision-maker. You are now paying more attention to the information shown since your opinion actually matters.
As marketers, video has become an interactive and personalized experience for your audience, making your content even more interesting and impactful.
So, what types of questions spark discussion? Successful Facebook video poll examples range from opinions on new products to additional shop locations or even, the choice between redesigned branding ideas.
Here are a few polling questions to get started:
It never hurts to know why your consumers are coming through the door. This gives you the chance to ensure that you are continuing the service they expect while exploring ways to improve.
With only six options to offer viewers in response, choose your questions wisely so you can generate the most effective Facebook video poll results.
This type of question not only benefits your customers but in turn, helps you run your business most efficiently. This is a win-win situation and shows that your business plan reflects your customers’ needs. By integrating a Facebook poll with video into your marketing strategy, you can save valuable time and money.
You can test out the effectiveness of your advertising through Facebook video poll ads. This will ensure that you are using the correct language and strategy to reach potential customers. Your marketing dollars will be spent more efficiently by focusing on proven messaging that will generate engagement.
If you are receiving a largely positive response, but the sales aren’t reflecting it, this is a telltale sign that you need to focus on accessibility, perhaps by offering online delivery or creating pop-up stores.
Don’t fret, it’s easy!
How can you persuade customers to engage with a video poll on Facebook?
While you may want to know if your consumers prefer Leo DiCaprio or Johnny Depp, if it has nothing to do with your video ad, it is likely to cause more confusion than excitement. Use your time wisely and incorporate the questions that matter. If your ad has to do with a new product, ask your audience if they would try it, or how they would improve it. If your ad is to create awareness, why not ask your audience if they are familiar with your brand or if they are interested in trying your services?
Let’s be real, in our tech-centered world, we all have short attention spans. Like videos, you must catch your audiences’ attention early. That means excluding long-winded questions and avoiding terms that the average viewer won’t understand. While it may look impressive, how many of us actually check a dictionary while scrolling through our social channels? Making your content too long or high-brow will ensure that users will scroll right past and you will lose your chance to interact with them.
We know that getting down to the nitty-gritty of what consumers want is important. But, it is also necessary to create Facebook video polls that can compete with shareable, viral content. Why not ask questions about current trends and events to keep it interesting and relevant? For example, if you own a clothing boutique, ask questions such as: “leopard print in or out,” “faux or fur?” Not only are these important insights but customers will be curious to see what others have to say. Be sure to check the box that allows your viewers to see the Facebook video poll results.
With Facebook Live, your content may be pushed up higher in the Newsfeed, resulting in increased engagement and views.
You can easily build Facebook live video polls in the same way that you create standard video polls.
Follow these steps to set up your own Facebook live poll:
You may wonder if you can boost a video poll on Facebook? The simple answer is: of course you can!
By investing in your Facebook video poll ads, you will discover valuable information about potential customers that can be utilized in future campaigns.
Do your consumers prefer surfing or skiing? Blue skies or rainy days? Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? These answers could be useful when creating new marketing campaigns or even when developing new products. You can also add a list of past customer emails to Facebook’s custom audience tool and target them specifically with relevant questions.
Facebook targeting tools allow you to create an audience based on location, age, gender, language, connections, and behaviors. Combine this with Facebook video polls, and who knows what type of data you can uncover?
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Drive more engagement on your polls with a custom video made in minutes using Promo's online tools and royalty-free library
We believe that words shape thoughts and inspire action. Promo's content team is fueled by the motivation to help you to transform your words and ideas into powerful videos that help you communicate better with your audience and grow your reach.
October 7, 2024 · 9 min read