Leveraging AI for Growth: Avatar Buddy’s Case Study with PromoAI

Michael Shtern
By Michael Shtern
July 9, 2024 · 5 min read


Avatar Buddy, founded by Stephanie Sylvestre, stands at the forefront of the AI industry, focusing on the development of customizable digital avatars. These avatars are designed to facilitate a variety of interactions in digital environments such as customer service, virtual meetings, and entertainment platforms, enhancing user engagement through realistic and dynamic responses. With a compact team dedicated to pushing the boundaries of AI technology, Avatar Buddy has emerged as a pioneer in transforming complex AI interactions into user-friendly solutions.

Challenges Faced in Social Media Marketing

Before integrating PromoAI, Avatar Buddy faced a critical challenge: limited awareness of their innovative AI-driven avatar solutions. The core issue stemmed from not having sufficient resources, particularly in creating and managing engaging content that effectively communicated the value of their services.This resource constraint made it difficult to execute a comprehensive marketing campaign that could significantly boost their visibility and customer engagement.

Experience with PromoAI

Stephanie’s engagement with PromoAI started from her need for a simple, effective tool to automate the repetitive tasks of social media marketing, particularly video content creation. “I’m not technical,” Stephanie explained, highlighting her initial struggle with digital marketing tools. PromoAI’s user-friendly interface was a game-changer for her, allowing her to effortlessly integrate her company’s branding elements and content. “It produced what I wanted with no effort on my part and I wasn’t overwhelmed,” she remarked.

She elaborated on her positive experiences with PromoAI’s capabilities: “When I went into the planner and I said okay here’s my website, here are my logos and my two colors… I was blown away by how it could use my old website to really convey what I wanted.” This functionality was crucial in helping Stephanie automate the generation of marketing materials that were consistent with her brand’s messaging, significantly reducing the manual effort required and ensuring a streamlined marketing process.



The deployment of PromoAI significantly enhanced Avatar Buddy’s marketing strategy, resulting in notable improvements in social media engagement and brand visibility. By utilizing PromoAI, Stephanie and her team were able to launch a cohesive social media campaign featuring high-quality video content crafted by their interns. “We’re using avatar buddy and PromoAI because we take the copy from avatar buddy and we put it into PromoAI and we get the videos,” Stephanie explained. This strategy not only simplified their content creation process but also enabled the company to maintain a steady flow of engaging content across multiple platforms.

Stephanie highlighted a specific outcome where the streamlined process allowed for efficient scheduling of video releases, “once a month I need to hire somebody to come in and do that. And so now my cost is very, very slim, very low.” This operational efficiency has empowered Avatar Buddy to allocate resources more effectively, enhancing their ability to scale up operations without a corresponding increase in overheads.

Workflow Integration

PromoAI’s integration into Avatar Buddy’s workflow has streamlined their content creation and campaign management processes. 

Avatar Buddy integrates PromoAI into their workflow using a structured approach that mirrors staff augmentation, but with a focus on generative AI. Stephanie describes their method as a six-step process: 1) Think of generative AI as augmenting staff, 2) Identify tasks that are repetitive and can be automated (about 80% of tasks), 3) Automate these tasks, 4) Create an AI team which includes tools like Avatar Buddy and PromoAI, especially for marketing efforts, 5) Enhance outreach capabilities using this AI team, and 6) Assign an AI lead, a human who oversees and promotes the use of generative AI within the company. This comprehensive approach helps streamline their marketing workflow, significantly enhancing efficiency and reach.

Here are three essential strategies that Stephanie recommends for maximizing efficiency and effectiveness with PromoAI:

  1. Start with a Planner and Refine: Begin by using PromoAI’s planner to input basic information about your company. This initial content generation helps gauge how well the outputs align with your brand’s message. Based on the feedback and your specific marketing goals, refine the inputs to tailor your content more precisely.
  2. Review and Gather Feedback: After generating a batch of content, meticulously review each piece and solicit feedback from colleagues or your target audience. This feedback is crucial for refining the content further, ensuring that each post is impactful and relevant before going live.
  3. Practice Editing: Develop a deep understanding of PromoAI’s editing tools. Practicing how to modify scenes and texts will enhance your ability to customize the content effectively, ensuring that it resonates well with your intended audience and fits seamlessly within your overall marketing strategy.

These integrated strategies have enabled Avatar Buddy to efficiently produce quality content that is both consistent and engaging, significantly boosting their social media presence and audience engagement.

Social Media Strategy

Avatar Buddy uses PromoAI to enhance its content strategy across various platforms. The aim is to build out their presence on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, while also boosting their existing LinkedIn presence. By integrating PromoAI, they can ensure that their content is consistently engaging and tailored to each platform’s unique audience, leveraging the strengths of each to maximize outreach and engagement. This strategic approach allows them to effectively use their digital content to connect with a broader audience and strengthen their brand’s online visibility.


The use of PromoAI by Avatar Buddy highlights the significant impact that AI-driven tools can have on digital marketing efforts for small businesses. As a customer of PromoAI, Avatar Buddy has effectively overcome challenges in scaling content production and enhancing social media engagement. This case study underscores the potential for AI to streamline marketing processes, improve brand visibility, and drive business growth. Looking forward, Avatar Buddy’s ongoing utilization of PromoAI’s evolving capabilities is set to further enhance their marketing effectiveness and industry presence.


About the author

Michael Shtern

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