Empowering Business Consultants: ABA Growth Team’s Experience with PromoAI

Michael Shtern
By Michael Shtern
July 15, 2024 · 7 min read


Dan Dube’s journey into the world of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is built on a robust foundation of over 35 years of entrepreneurial experience across diverse sectors, including healthcare and publishing. His career highlights a series of innovative ventures and strategic leadership roles that have shaped his approach to business and marketing.

In 2005, Dan co-founded DocZone, a pioneering cloud-based platform that revolutionized content management, language translation, and delivery systems. The success of DocZone culminated in a lucrative venture capital acquisition in 2009, marking Dan’s first major exit and setting a precedent for his future endeavors.

Transitioning from technology to healthcare, in 2015, Dan became the CEO and co-founder of Compass Innovative Behavior Strategies. This organization quickly grew under his leadership to become the largest provider of behavioral health services for individuals with Autism and other developmental disabilities in New Hampshire, boasting over 150 staff members. The growth trajectory of Compass was impressive, with it becoming an award-winning establishment recognized for its fast growth and innovative service delivery.

After Compass was acquired by a national ABA service provider in July 2021, Dan stayed on the executive team for two years, bringing his expertise to a larger stage. In 2023, leveraging his extensive experience, he founded the ABA Growth Team. This new venture focuses on providing executive coaching, e-learning courses, and specialized support for non-clinical functions like digital marketing, scheduling, and intake management, specifically tailored to startup and early-stage ABA businesses. Dan’s deep industry knowledge makes him exceptionally skilled at helping these nascent businesses lay a solid foundation built on best practices.

Facing the Digital Marketing Challenge

Despite Dan’s extensive background and business acumen, the ABA Growth Team faced a common challenge that many small consultancies encounter: making a significant impact in a digital-first world. The digital marketing landscape is crowded and dominated by larger firms with more substantial resources. Dan realized early on that while traditional marketing strategies brought some level of success, the evolving digital landscape required a more dynamic and engaging approach to truly captivate and engage their target audience.

The transition to focusing more heavily on video content was driven by this need. Video has proven to be one of the most effective forms of digital content, known for its ability to engage users more deeply and leave a lasting impression. However, producing consistent, high-quality video content quickly and efficiently was a significant hurdle for a small team like ABA Growth Team, which led Dan to seek out innovative solutions to these challenges.

Discovering PromoAI

Dan Dube’s journey towards enhancing the digital marketing capabilities of ABA Growth Team took a significant turn when he discovered PromoAI. His immediate need was straightforward: produce engaging, high-quality video content efficiently to keep up with the digital-first landscape, particularly for a small but growing business like his own.

While evaluating different tools and platforms, the unique selling proposition of PromoAI stood out. The platform’s ability to quickly generate up to 30 professional-grade videos caught Dan’s attention. This feature was particularly appealing because it promised not just speed but also a scale of production that typically requires much more substantial resources. The prospect of creating a whole month’s worth of content in just a couple of days was exactly the solution Dan needed.

The ease of use and the immediate impact of being able to produce multiple videos resonated with Dan. He recognized that video content has a higher engagement rate compared to other forms of digital content, which is crucial for capturing the attention of both existing and potential clients. The decision to integrate PromoAI into their marketing strategy was driven by its potential to transform their digital presence dramatically.


Business Impact of PromoAI on ABA Growth Team

The integration of PromoAI into ABA Growth Team’s marketing strategy, run by Dan and his wife, has significantly enhanced their outreach efforts, particularly on LinkedIn. The platform’s robust video content capabilities enabled them to achieve higher engagement levels, which directly translated into increased website traffic. This boost in digital interactions indicated a successful capture of interest among professionals, leading them to seek more detailed information about their services.

Dan highlighted a key advantage of using PromoAI: despite being a small team of only two people, the platform enables them to compete in marketing on par with much larger companies. The ability to produce and distribute professional-grade video content efficiently levels the playing field, allowing them to present a strong digital presence and reach a broader audience effectively. This capability is particularly crucial in the competitive landscape of business-to-business services where visibility and professional presentation are vital.

This strategic use of technology not only increased their digital footprint but also maximized their operational efficiency. With PromoAI streamlining the creation and distribution of video content, Dan and his wife could allocate more time to other essential aspects of their consultancy, such as direct client engagement and business development. The result is a more focused approach to growing their business and improving their return on investment, demonstrating the profound impact that smart digital tools can have on small businesses aiming to expand their reach and capabilities in a competitive market.

Workflow Integration and Content Strategy

Dan Dube has established a productive routine with PromoAI, dedicating the 24th and 25th of each month to creating videos for the upcoming month. This structured approach ensures that ABA Growth Team’s social media channels—Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube—are consistently refreshed with new content. Integrating all his social media accounts directly with PromoAI allows for seamless scheduling and posting, keeping their online presence active and engaging across different platforms.

The content predominantly focuses on raising awareness about their services and the benefits of behavioral strategies. However, Dan is looking to evolve their strategy by incorporating more sales-driven videos aimed at converting interest into tangible client engagements. This shift is designed to not only inform but also to persuade potential clients of the value of their services, guiding them further along in the decision-making process.

Efficiency is a significant benefit of using PromoAI, with the platform enabling the production of a whole month’s video content in just a couple of hours. This time-saving feature allows Dan and his wife to focus on other aspects of their consultancy. The videos produced sometimes require minor edits; Dan prefers using PromoAI’s Classic editor for this task, citing its suitability for those with technical proficiency like himself. This tool allows for more detailed adjustments, ensuring each video meets their quality standards and aligns with their marketing goals.

PromoAI also excels in generating diverse content ideas, which Dan finds invaluable. This automatic generation of creative ideas is crucial as it allows PromoAI to handle much of the creative process, saving Dan significant time and effort. This feature enables them to communicate their messages in various engaging ways without the constant need for manual brainstorming. By leveraging these ideas, Dan can tailor content specifically to meet the strategic objectives of their marketing efforts, maintaining a competitive edge in a fast-paced digital marketplace.

Conclusion: Leveraging Technology for Business Growth

Dan Dube’s strategic adoption of PromoAI has significantly enhanced the operational efficiency and marketing capabilities of ABA Growth Team. By integrating this advanced digital tool, they have streamlined their content creation process and established a robust online presence that competes with larger companies. PromoAI’s ability to generate diverse and creative video content quickly allows Dan and his wife to focus on strategic business development and client engagement.

This successful use of technology demonstrates how small businesses can achieve higher productivity and professional visibility. The story of ABA Growth Team highlights the importance of embracing innovative solutions to overcome industry challenges and drive business success. As they continue to explore new features and possibilities with PromoAI, their experience offers valuable insights into the transformative potential of digital tools in today’s competitive business landscape.

About the author

Michael Shtern

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