
How Every Law Firm Can Use Video Marketing To Build Business

Yael Klass
By Yael Klass
April 16, 2018 · 4 min read

Offering legal services online can be challenging to get the point across and grab attention but video marketing for law firms is helping to change that. According to a survey by Nielsen, 64% of marketers say video will dominate our future. So why wouldn’t these strategies apply to law firms?

The issue with video marketing for law firms is that many lawyers are simply in the dark on how to apply the technology to their services. For an industry that is used to documents and text, a video might seem frivolous, but it is quite the opposite. Users and potential clients are much more likely to go with a lawyer to whom they can relate. And the best way to do that is by building trust and customer relationships through video.

Video Branding

If you want to help define different legal services within a firm, a great way to do that is to have each lawyer practice self-branding. If “Law Firm A” and “Law Firm B” both have identical reputations, how will the lawyers differentiate themselves from the competition? The best answer to that is with strategic and well-executed video marketing creative for law firms.

One of the primary goals of legal services marketing should be showcasing each attorney in their own light. Video can not only catch attorneys in action, they can demonstrate personality and establish brand trust. All within a few minutes of video, or less. There is no text that exists online that can do the job that quickly and effectively.

However, firms that focus just on marketing their wins and expertise of individual attorneys or highlight just the services they provide miss a great branding opportunity. With video marketing for law firms, you can do more than focus on introducing lawyers and brag about numbers, highlight the team as well-rounded people to really build a brand that attracts a very loyal client base.

The Power of the Emotional Impact

Videos that succeed online are those that appeal to the feelings of their audience. Just like a mock-trial, video marketing for law firms can help lawyers display ideas and positions with more authority. This creates a deeper emotional impact on clients who may be looking for vigorous and personal defense in a case. A video allows opportunities to highlight a lawyer’s persuasive powers and sell their services through personality.

Additionally, videos allow lawyers to explain complex issues more easily. Because of the length of legal videos, attorneys are forced to get to the point and use simpler terminology. This also proves a much more appealing means of communication for prospective clients.

Changes in User Behavior

Video marketing is now prevalent in every industry, so there is no reason why it shouldn’t apply to law firms. In 2017, 69% of all consumer internet traffic was video. A smart firm will embrace this permanent trend and start applying it to their strategies.

Advertising with video for law firms is simply following the rise of online video. Not only is this a free form of getting a client’s attention, it’s highly accessible in a variety of places. Before embarking on your video marketing ventures, study what other firms are doing with their professional services in product videos. Remember to publish frequently as clients will often follow a series of informational videos. Additionally, it’s going to take a few videos to establish brand trust and convey the array of services a firm offers.

One of the easiest ways to get started on your new video marketing efforts is to use a video service site like Promo by Slidely. With Promo, you can easily put together your own video in minutes using state-of-the-art footage and professional music tracks. Video marketing for law firms is really all about being prepared and connecting with your clients on a personal level to establish brand trust and increase your ROI. So don’t waste another minute, take this advice and start investing in videos for your firm.

About the author

Yael Klass

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