Navigating Digital Marketing in Wellness: The Purple Lotus Case Study

Michael Shtern
By Michael Shtern
July 15, 2024 · 5 min read


Purple Lotus, founded by Jill Briansky, emerges from her profound background in intuitive sound healing, an area where she has honed her skills for over two decades. Originally a personal healing venture, Purple Lotus evolved as Jill transitioned from a hands-on therapist to a business owner. This shift was driven by her deep commitment to facilitating transformative experiences that promote emotional and spiritual healing through unique combinations of sound healing and intuitive practices. Her journey reflects a dedication to expanding the reach and impact of her healing methods, necessitating a venture into the broader, digital-driven marketplace to connect with more individuals seeking holistic wellness solutions.

The Challenge

Jill faced significant challenges in adapting to the demands of digital marketing. Despite her deep understanding of intuitive sound healing, Jill lacked the expertise and interest in marketing, which she viewed as a necessary yet daunting task. She explained her dilemma: “Marketing was not something I really wanted to do.. I’m not a social marketing person”. Advised to hire a professional marketer, Jill soon realized that most marketers did not fully grasp the specialized nature of her services. “They’re expensive, and they don’t really know my product,” she noted, highlighting the difficulty in finding someone who could authentically represent her healing practices online.

Experience with PromoAI

Jill’s journey with PromoAI began out of necessity, as she sought a manageable and effective way to handle her digital marketing needs without outsourcing to marketers who lacked understanding of her niche. Initially skeptical, her perspective shifted when she discovered how PromoAI could simplify video marketing—a medium she hadn’t previously considered due to its perceived complexity. Jill described her first interaction with the tool: “It was actually just really easy… I had like six different videos with different options within minutes.” This ease of use was crucial for her, as it allowed her to create engaging content without needing extensive technical skills. Jill was particularly impressed with PromoAI’s ability to generate creative content ideas automatically, highlighting the AI-driven features that suggested content ideas and formats she hadn’t considered. 

The Impact

Since integrating PromoAI into her marketing strategy, Jill has observed significant improvements in her social media engagement, particularly on Instagram compared to Facebook. “I’m getting more traction on Instagram than I am on Facebook,” Jill remarked, noting the quick impact within just a few days. This surge in engagement has led to increased name recognition, which was one of her primary goals. Moreover, Jill has experienced a noticeable uptick in website traffic. “There’s been a considerable uptick on my website,” she shared, suggesting that while immediate conversions might be slow, the enhanced visibility is setting the stage for future client engagements. This pattern of interaction indicates that the compelling video content provided by PromoAI is effectively attracting attention and gradually drawing more visitors to her services.

The Workflow

Jill’s experience with PromoAI dramatically streamlined her content creation process. Initially, she dedicated two intense days to creating videos, scheduling them to be posted every day of the month. However, she soon realized this frequency was overwhelming and not aligned with her preferences. “After the first week, I’m like okay, I’m getting annoyed by these,” Jill explained. She then adjusted her strategy by downloading the videos and canceling the daily schedule. Now, she posts just two to three videos per week, finding this frequency more manageable and less intrusive for her audience. This flexibility in managing her content has allowed Jill to maintain control over her social media presence without it consuming her daily routine.

Content Strategy

PromoAI has been instrumental in helping Jill from Purple Lotus communicate the unique aspects of her healing services in varied and engaging ways. She emphasized the importance of the platform’s ability to diversify her messaging, “PromoAI is continually getting the message out there in different ways, which is exactly what I needed.” This approach has proven effective in intriguing potential clients, making them more likely to try her services. For instance, PromoAI generated content like “five reasons for mindfulness,” which resonated well with her audience. Additionally, Jill has utilized the tool to craft specialized content for upcoming small group intuitive sound healing sessions, ensuring that the promotional materials not only convey the event details but also reflect her personal touch and deep understanding of the subject matter. This targeted content strategy has been crucial in attracting attendees and enhancing their understanding of what Purple Lotus offers.


PromoAI has proven to be a valuable asset for Purple Lotus, offering an effective and easy-to-use solution for Jill’s marketing needs. The time and financial investments in PromoAI have brought substantial returns, enhancing her online presence and freeing her to focus more on her clients. Jill summarized her experience by saying, “I mean, it honestly was worth the money and it was very easy.” Jill’s positive assessment underscores the considerable advantages that PromoAI has brought to Purple Lotus, enhancing its marketing effectiveness and operational efficiency.

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About the author

Michael Shtern

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