The Small Business Video Marketing Trends study showcases the direct feedback of more than 500 marketers and small business owners from all over the world. Combined with our 2019 data of more than one million users, we found out exactly how SMBs create videos, reach their audiences and grow their businesses.
We divided the data into three main sections and provided some analysis for each data point. We encourage you to download the deck for the full range of statistics, details, and insights, but we’ve summarized a few key points here.
According to our study of 500 marketers, 64% responded that video is the most effective form of online marketing content. And almost half of the respondents agreed that they must create videos in order to grow their business.
The overwhelming majority understand both the effectiveness and the need to round out their marketing campaigns with videos.
So how do they create their videos?
There are many different ways SMBs can produce marketing videos. They might go the professional route by hiring a production company or a freelance videographer. They can shoot footage on their iPhones and edit using Final Cut or Camtasia. And of course, they can use DIY video making platforms like to source stock footage and cut it together with our online editor. So how exactly do SMBs create their videos; the actual process? How long does it take, and who is involved?
82% of survey participants use a self serve video creation platform, such as While professionally produced extra glossy videos will always have a place, SMBs tend to require more videos on a tight timeline and budget.
Additionally, we saw that the vast majority of users (76%) spend less than 20 minutes creating a video. This goes to show that it doesn’t require a ton of time to create a professional-looking video that drives results.
More than half (58%) of the SMBs we surveyed combine their own footage with stock videos. This is a technique that’s been used by global brands for years, and it’s great to see SMBs take advantage of this to enhance the look of their videos.
Where do marketers get their stock footage and images?
While free sources are at the top, users seem to have no issues with paying for stock videos and photos.
But what do SMBs do with the footage once they’re done? Since video and social media go hand in hand, we thought it would be interesting to see where and how businesses are distributing their content.
A significant segment of SMBs we surveyed (38%) said they spend up to $500 per month to advertise their videos. Close behind (35%) are the people who only promote their content organically via social media, their website, and blogs. We’ve seen that even a small advertising budget can expand your reach and target new relevant customers.
*Respondents selected multiple answers.
While the traditional social media channels dominated, more than half are also posting videos to their websites.
70% of SMBs post videos to Instagram and Facebook Stories.
You can expect this trend to continue as brands attempt to get closer to their audiences with in-the-moment behind-the-scenes content.
Video marketing is the key to success for small businesses that want to reach more people while also increasing engagement, conversions, and sales. We hope you’ll enjoy the insights from this report, but more importantly, we hope you do something with them.
Small Business Video Marketing Trends
The inside scoop on how SMBs are using video to grow their businesses.